15 December 2013

My Short Photography Day at Point Lobos State Reserve.

Greetings, everyone. I wanted to share some photographs from my short trip to Point Lobos. Let me start with this bird:

I think his brain malfunctioned.
It was a beautiful day out at the ocean. Elisabeth and I left for Point Lobos at about noon, with the original intent of taking some Christmas and holiday card photographs. (That didn't happen.) This bird greeted us as we exited das Auto. We didn't feed him...sorry little bird.

The trip was great. This was my first 'outing' with my camera on manual mode, rather than my usual safe aperture priority settings. I feel like I was rewarded for trying. =^)

Splish, splash, bitches!
"I like the rocks too because they're just so natural."
-Random girl at Point Lobos.

We also took some photos of ourselves.

Here's myself, often seen pointing at irrelevant crap when the ocean is exploding behind me.
Aaaaand, here's Elisabeth, looking pretty as always.
 You are probably wondering, "what is off to the side that has their attention?" The truth is, I don't really quite recall what's off to the side. The sun was beating on our faces, so we're probably just  trying to keep our eyes out of the sunlight.

The sun and the ocean spray made for some great sun shafts near the cliffs of the ocean.

Other than that, it was just a beautiful day. I'll let the photographs do the talking. If you're ever considering a day at Point Lobos, I highly recommend it. It's a great day trip, but plan for a few days if you want to see everything. (Unless you plan on sprinting through the trails...why would you do that?)

Swiggity swooty, I'm comin' for that booty.

We walked most of this shoreline on the left. What shore were you thinking?
Dream large, little rock buddy!

Who needs ocean pictures when there are rocks to examine?

Obligatory black and white photo with the sun. "The ocean isn't as deep as my mind, but it's as cold as my soul."

"Here I sit like a fly on an algae pad."

Splish, splash, mothe...eh, you get the point.

I love capturing the moment of impact.

"Take some of THIS!" -The ocean to the rock.
Semi-long length exposure. Balanced on a rock because I'm a noob who didn't bring a tripod.
The contrast of the blue to the orange is wonderful. I learned about complementary colors in high school art, but my tattoo artist Jay really taught me this lesson best. Then nature come along and provided a great example here.
Also, I've run out of "Splish Splash" comments.

"I'll put sunshine in a bag."

Sunsets are so metal.

We had a lot of fun. Ok, I had a lot of fun. I don't know about Elisabeth. She looked pretty happy, but I guess we'll never know. I admittedly took about 600 photos, most of which are just ocean pictures (waves and splashes). I practiced gauging the appropriate aperture and exposure time the entire day, and most of the photos turned out well - there were very few over- or under-exposed photographs.

I like to think that I'm getting better. I guess we'll see. Oh, and I have one final photo...Click it! Laugh Maniacally!

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